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Women’s Health

Granada Women’s Health Service

Women need to have regular health checks and it is important that you see your doctor for regular health check-ups to help you stay healthy and to pick up early warning signs of diseases or illnesses.

Many diseases such as heart disease, Diabetes, Hypertension, and some cancers can be picked up in their early stages and can be treated effectively. Major areas of concerns in Women’s health are as follows.

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common cancer for Australian Women.  According to the latest statistics 1 in 8 women in Australia is diagnosed with breast cancer each year.  In 2012 there were 14,560 women were diagnosed with breast cancer which accounted for 27.2% of all cancers in females.

Risk Factors for Breast Cancers are:-

  • Obesity and Physical inactivity
  • Family History and Genetic Susceptibility
  • Diet
  • Alcohol Consumption
  • Reproductive and Hormonal Factors
  • Radiation
  • Ageing

It is extremely important detecting breast cancer at early stage where treatment options are more effective. Our doctors are very well experienced and recommend every women be breast aware and attend your doctor for breast checks on a regular basis. Our doctors will advise you and arrange necessary investigations following risk assessment and thorough examination..

Bowel Cancer

Bowel cancer refers especially to cancer of the large intestine (colon or rectum) it is often referred to as colorectal cancer. It can develop without any early warning sign.  Cancer can grow on the inside wall of the bowel for several years before spreading to the other parts of the body.

Risk Factors for Bowel Cancers are:-

  • Alcohol Consumption
  • Diet
  • Smoking
  • Obesity and Physical Inactivity
  • Family History and Genetic Susceptibility.
  • Older Age

In 2012 estimated number of bowel cancer diagnosed was 7080 in females. The number of deaths of the same year was 1772.
Bowel cancer screening is a very important part of early diagnosis. Often very small amounts of blood leak from these growths and pass in to the bowel motion before any symptoms are noticed. Our GPs can help you with assessing your risk factors and organise necessary investigations you need such as Faecal Occult Blood Testing (FOBT) and Colonoscopy.

Cervical Cancers

Cervical cancer develops in women’s cervix. The cervix is the entrance to the womb from the vagina. Over the course of many years the cell lining of the cervix undergoes a series of changes. In rare case these changes can become cancerous.

Cervical cancer often has no symptoms in its early stages. If you do have symptoms the most common are unusual vaginal bleeding which can occur after sex, bleeding in between menstrual periods and bleeding after

Cervical cancer is one of few cancers where screening can detect precancerous lesions. Having regular pap smears is the best form of detection.Our doctors are well trained, and experienced nursing staff can perform pap smears while providing you with a wealth of advice related to sexual health.

Cardiovascular Health

Cardio vascular disease (CVD) includes all diseases and conditions of the heart and blood vessels.

The Common Types of CVD are:

  • Coronary Hearth Disease
  • Diet
  • Reproductive and Hormonal Factors
  • Family History and Genetic Susceptibility
  • Alcohol Consumption
  • Alcohol Consumption

The main cause of most CVDs in Australia is atherosclerosis, which is an abnormal build-up of fat and other substance which form plaques inside the arteries. Atherosclerosis is more serious when it leads to reduced or blocked blood supply to the eart (causing Angina or Heart attacks) or to the brain causing a stroke.

Our GPs have a wealth of experience in managing the above conditions within primary care and will refer you, when it is necessary, for specialised interventions.


Asthma is a chronic lung disease that affects a person’s breathing.
Common symptoms of asthma are wheezing, shortness of breath, a cough and tightness of the chest. These may be vary over time and may be present or absent at any point of time. Symptoms of asthma are usually reversible either with or without treatment. Severity of asthma ranges from mild, moderate to severe.

There are many trigger factors of asthma which may differ between individual.

*E.g.: Viral Respiratory Infections
Exposure to some allergens such as house dust mite, pollens, pets and animal fur, mould spores. Exposure to some irritants such as cold dry air, tobacco
Dietary triggers – which may be individual – allergy or intolerant to certain food Medicines

*E.g.: Aspirin
Our doctors are involved from the initial assessment through to diagnosis, prescribing regular medications, education, provision of written action plans and regular reviews as well managing acute exacerbations.

Mental Health

Mental illness may be caused by life events, genetic factors or birth defects. They can be temporary or lifelong and include mood, anxiety, and personality, psychotic and compulsive disorders.

Mental illness can come and go throughout the person’s life. Some people experience their illness once and fully recover and for others it is prolonged and recurs over time. Mental illness can make it difficult for someone to cope with work, relationships and other aspects of life.

Many people may not know how to respond to a person who is mentally ill. People may react with embarrassment, rejection and be abusive if they do not understand unusual behaviour. Such reactions can be a big hurdle for people with mental illness who are trying to get well. A person with mental illness often faces isolation, and discrimination from family, friends, employees and neighbours. These attitudes can make people hide their illness and feel ashamed. Family, friends, colleagues, employers and other people can make a huge difference to a person’s recovery with understanding and compassion.

Doctors at Granada Medical Practice are well trained, have vast experience and are compassionate and willing to listen to you and help you to overcome your mental health problems.

Pap Smears

Mll women over the age of 18 who have ever been sexually active should have Pap smears every two years, or two years after first sexual activity (which ever is later) and continue until age 70.

If you are older than 70 and have had two normal tests in the past 5 year, your doctor will advise you whether you still need to have Pap smears.

Our Nurses and Doctors are fully competent on carrying out Pap Smears.

Antenatal Shared Care

We offer our patient for antenatal shared care .Our GPs will advise you regarding initial examinations, routine investigations, follow up visits with your GP throughout your pregnancy, and further referral to the appropriate hospital for the delivery of your baby.

Pre Pregnancy and Early Pregnancy Care

All our GP are highly skilled in providing pre pregnancy counselling and advice. Our GPs will discuss, assess and conduct relevant tests and procedures to detect any relevant conditions that may affect the forth coming pregnancy. They will provide you with relevant advice with regard to your diet, nutrition, quit smoking and alcohol, and intake of folic acid.
Our doctors will take a comprehensive family history to determine the risk of any genetic conditions and may provide counselling before pregnancy and might refer you for further generic testing and counselling if required.
We have qualified GPs to provide you shared antenatal care and follow up during your pregnancy and will organise necessary investigations during the early part of the pregnancy.

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